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Technorama 2018

Currently, clinics use outdated, non-digitized, subjective methods for treating tremors. Often the physician has to subjectively evaluate the vibrational amplitude and the patient’s functional status. Over a long period of time, a large amount of information is accumulated on paper and it is difficult to archive, analyse and associate. The neurologists from the The Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) Kauno klinikos approached us to help them solve this problem. After discussions with doctors, the idea of the VilimMap Gadget was born.

The application can diagnose and monitor the disease. It is intended for doctors and patients that have or suspect essential tremor, Parkinson’s disease.

The application uses three methods to assess the disease:

  • TETRAS scale. It consists of 12 questions that help determine the severity of the disease. Currently doctors submit printed questions in a written form. The application asks to fill in this form after creating a new user and periodically update it.
  • Vibration analysis. For it, the inertial sensors that are the phone are used. They then record the hand oscillations and obtain medically meaningful value, for example amplitude, prevailing frequency according to algorithms (e.g., Furje transformations).
  • Archimedean spiral Drawing this spiral allows to visually assess the nature and strength when it comes to the shakiness of the hands. The patient must reproduce the image with their finger on the screen. The drawing is analysed and deviations from the ideal spiral are evaluated. Depending on the nature of the deviation, the nature or intensity of the disease can be judged.

Doctors can either track the data in the application or after they move the data from the cloud. Patients receive an instant assessment and a faster doctor consultation. An instant assessment is displayed on the screen of a smart device either graphically and numerically. Currently, a database is being developed that will train neural networks and provide users with more accurate information. The following steps are: data protection in the database, application certification and intuitive design.

The application is created by “MB Fidens“.


2018 - 2018