Sideslip Gauge

Technorama 2018

Over the last decade, the sport of vehicle sideslip has become very popular all over the world. Unlike many other sports including cars, the results of the sideslip are very subjective – they are not determined in accordance with time or other measurements. The winners are chosen according to the points awarded by judges. The main evaluation criteria are styling, driving trajectory, speed and slip angle. Which is why we designed a device that can help you to objectively evaluate the results.

The device is designed to measure and display the main sideslip parameters: an angle and speed. The active forces are also measured and slip points that combine the slip parameters, are calculated.

The angle of the slip is measured using a tri-axle accelerometer and a gyroscope mounted on the device, and the speed is measured using the GPS receiver. All data is collected and processed by a microcontroller, and the final result is displayed on the LCD monitor.

The device is to be installed in a car in the driver’s field of view (e.g., windscreen or dashboard). Power is supplied from a phone charger for car.

There are four buttons on the device for selecting the options available in the menu. Options of main menu options: start, results and settings. The parameters displayed while driving can be monitored by a computer connected to the device. You can also enter the username and later check the results. As the conditions change, the settings allow you to change the sensitivity and the lighting of the display and the buttons.

This device is not designed to replace the judiciary, because sideslip will always remain a very subjective sport. However, it can be a great tool for training, an objective information for judges and can really help to make the sideslip a more objective and professional sport.


2018 - 2018