Organic Granola “Straight from Nature”

Technorama 2018

Currently it can be noticed that consumers are paying more and more attention to healthy and eco-friendly products. Major retail chains increase the range of these products and do not allow the entire market to be taken over specialized stores. This has led us to create a new, eco-friendly product, using existing and up-to-date technologies. Granola is produced in a special way, which preserves most of the valuable nutrients. The concept of this product is “straight from nature”.

Granola is made from green buckwheat that have unique proteins, which include 8 essential amino acids. These proteins are full of lysine, which is important for good calcium absorption and muscle building. According to nutritional and biological value, they are equal to proteins that are in eggs. Buckwheat protein consists of a slightly soluble fraction of albumin and globulin, which the body easily absorbs. Buckwheat contains even 2 times more vitamin E and PP than oats or rye. They contain 2 times more magnesium than other cereals. And these are just a few positive features of this component.

The product recipe does not include gluten-based components, taking into account the statistics of coeliac disease. Coeliac disease – intolerance to gluten (that is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye). The statistics shows that this disease affects more than 1% of Europeans, which is more than five million people. Therefore, our product solves the issue that these people face everyday.

Granola intended for people who promote healthy and balanced nutrition is enriched with chia, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds and linseed. Chia seeds have plenty of calcium and fiber needed for bones to make you feel full and gradually reduce weight. They, like sunflower seeds, contain anti-aging antioxidants (e.g., vitamin E, which is especially important to the skin). Magnesium, found in pumpkin seeds, is important to support vital functions, synthesis of RNA and DNA materials; zinc is important for strengthening immunity. Linseed, like seeds, has omega-3 fatty acids that are very important for healthy nerve and brain cells. 60% of the brain is made up of fat, so the Omega-3 is mandatory for proper brain development and functioning. Researchers have shown that Omega-3 has a positive effect on brain activity and improves the quality of learning. These irreplaceable fats are needed at the contact points of the cells, which improves communication between the cells. In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids can help slow down brain aging processes. All seeds also have more beneficial properties for health, and only the most important are mentioned.

Granola contains no allergens. According to the statistics of the Institute of Hygiene of 2015, during the decade the number of people with allergic diseases in Lithuania has increased from 30.8 to 44.5 per thousand inhabitants. The number that is growing the fastest is the number of sick children. It has increased from 73.4 to 127.2 children per thousand inhabitants. Our product is suitable for allergy sufferers because it completely eliminated allergy-causing substances such as nuts, soy or sesame seeds.


2018 - 2018