
Technorama 2018

As technology quickly progresses, the need for autonomous or remote-controlled machines is increasing. Their main task is to carry out various, usually monotonous, jobs, work in conditions that are hazardous for a person, or just teach young people. We are glad to introduce our project – IBot. It is a remotely controllable, robotic hand created using 3D printer, which is partly reminiscent of a human hand when it comes to its structure. The operator of the hand is a person wearing a special glove. The main advantage of the project – “Flex” sensors, created by our team. Their creation required a lot of effort, but it allowed to make this project cheaper by a third. The principle of sensor operation is based on the resistivity change in the material: after such a sensor is folded, a change in resistivity is captured, according to which a map is drawn. With such a map, the robot repeats the movements. The fingers of the robot move with the help of “Servo” motors. The wrist movement is captured with a gyroscope that is fitted on the hand, and the wrist works with the help of the CNC machine.

This hand can be used both in industry and used for games, education, and demonstrations. Its biggest advantage is the ability to work in conditions that are not suitable for a person and simple way to control it that does not require a lot of knowledge.


2018 - 2018