Corn Spread with Mushrooms

Technorama 2018

Corn – the plant genus of Poaceae family originating from South America. Corn has been cultivated in Lithuania since the 20th century. Flour, grains, starch, syrup, spirits are produced from this plant. Corncob are rich in vitamins A, C, D and B. Also rich in minerals – potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. Corn is a great source of selenium that inhibits aging processes. All these substances reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, and is also a perfect preventive measure if the levels of sugar are elevated. Since ancient times corn was used in folk medicine to treat a variety of diseases – digestive disorders, obesity.

Corn spread with mushrooms is not only a delicious product that is very convenient to use, but also a snack, in which the amount of whole corn is more than 30%. Therefore, this spread is full of vitamins A, B, C, D, minerals, amino acids – lysine and tryptophan.

As life gets more and more hectic, people experience problems such as obesity, stomach disorders. Often, due to the fact that people are very busy at work, there is no time to eat healthily and they grab whatever is near and is quick to prepare. This corn spread with mushrooms is a product that can be eaten either alone or as a spread on bread, a toast or as a garnish for meat, fish dishes. It doesn’t have to be additionally prepared, you can just open it and have a taste of something healthy.

2018 - 2018